Blog Archive

Friday, February 18, 2022

Training Tips for Any Dog - taped 1-20-2022

 So, you've gotten a dog during the pandemic but are having trouble training it. Or maybe you don't have trouble training it, but it is guarding its toys or food. What do you do? You find a trainer or behaviorist to work with you and the dog. Most trainers will tell you that just about anyone who gets a dog should work with a trainer either in a group setting or in private sessions. In this episode of Eye on Oshkosh, host Cheryl Hentz spends the hour with local trainer and owner of Better Together Animal Training, Cari Tetzlaff. She talks about things people who have adopted or bought a dog should look for in a trainer or behaviorist, especially since they don't have to be licensed in so many places, including Wisconsin. Asking for references is also important. Tetzlaff also demonstrates several simple ways of teaching your own dog basic commands using Hentz's Dalmatian, Bella. One of the most important things is to train with positive reinforcement, not fear or punishment. If you have dogs or cats, this is one show you must see! Watch it here or by following this link:

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